- adj. 可怕的;悲惨的;极端的 (dire的变形)
direst laryngoscope直接喉镜
Direst Sa直营主管
direst networking联动
direst sound音频输出设备之一
direst use and blending直接混合使用
Direst Statement in file在文件中有直接语句
direst process paper重氮复印纸
Direst Sales Supervisor直营主管
Direst Sales Supe直营主管
Althoughalongadvocate ofcolonisingspacein order tocontinueman'sreign,thisishisdirestwarningtodate.
Hethoughthe shoutedthesewordstohis hands,fortheundoing of the noosehad been succeeded by the direst pang that he hadyetexperienced.
And despite the direstpredictions,readingcontinuestobepartofthelifeofthemind,evenascomputersreplacepencils, and booksflyintohandheldsaswell asontostore shelves.
Direst and indirect teaching in writingOptimal PID tuning using direst search algorithmsA direst comparison of insulin aspart and insulin lispro in patients with type 1 diabetesPacking of C60 molecules and related fullerences in crystals: A direst viewAnalysis of use of bronchofibroscopy combining direst laryngoscope intubation in difficult airwayThe Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Foreign Direst Investment on the Export Trade Structure——Taking Jiangsu Province as an ...construction of a transcription map of a 300 kb region around the human G6PD locus by direst cDNA selectionThe OLI Model and LLL Model in Internationalization Process: Perspectives from Foreign Direst Investment with Chinese Internet Compa...KAJIAN HUKUM TENTANG PERMOHONAN IJIN KAWIN BAGI WANITA YANG TIDAK DIRESTUI ORANG TUANYA (Studi Penetapan Pengadilan Agama Jember Nom...Clinical use of transcranial direct current stimulation(1)Foundations and applications of transcranial direst current stimulation