《milk jug》怎以读
[milk dʒʌɡ]
《milk jug》是什么意思
学习《milk jug》怎么用
Milk jugMILK JUGMilk jugSquare Milk JugEnhanced regional AT2-receptor and PKC (ε) expression during cardioprotection induced by AT1-receptor blockade after reperfused myo...The distribution of ascorbic acid in the axial organs of normally and horizontally growing plants of milkweed [Asclepias cornuti] an...Production reserves of milk and meat. (Experimental reappraisal of crossbred heifers, the progeny of dairy cows and Aberdeen-Angus b...Milk jug with froth-forming device for making "Cappuccino"and the like'Milk Jugs' and Other Myths of the Copper Age of Central Europe'Consumer Reaction to Colored Plastic Milk JugsSolution, or Mess? A Milk Jug for a Green EarthMicrowave milk jug and method to boil milk or similar drinks in microwave jugsSquare milk jug