



  • v.

    产奶,挤奶( milk的过去式和过去分词 );榨取,勒索;

  • 双语释义

    1. [U]乳,牛奶 a white liquid produced by women or female animals for the feeding of their young, and in the case of cow's and goat's milk drunk by human beings or made into butter and cheese
    1. vt. & vi. 产奶,挤奶 yield milk; draw milk from a cow, goat, etc.
    2. vt. 榨取; 勒索 extract money, information, etc. (by guilt or dishonesty) from a person or institution


    milk[ milk ]

    • n.
      • a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings
      • produced by mammary glands of female mammals for feeding their young
      • a river that rises in the Rockies in northwestern Montana and flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River

        同义词:Milk River

      • any of several nutritive milklike liquids
    • v.
      • take milk from female mammals

        "Cows need to be milked every morning"

      • exploit as much as possible

        "I am milking this for all it's worth"

      • add milk to

        "milk the tea"



    用作名词 (n.)
    • absorb milk吸收乳汁
    • add milk添奶
    • boil milk煮牛奶
    • cut off milk断奶
    • deliver milk送牛奶
    • dilute the milk with water用水将牛奶稀释
    • drink milk喝牛奶
    • empty milk倒干奶
    • express milk挤牛奶
    • feed milk to a baby用牛奶喂婴儿
    • give milk产奶
    • lap milk舔食牛乳
    • make the milk go bad使牛奶变质
    • obtain milk获得奶
    • pollute milk使奶受污染
    • pour milk倒奶
    • suck milk吮乳
    • water milk down给牛奶掺水
    • boiling milk沸腾着的奶
    • clean milk干净奶
    • cold milk冷奶
    • drinkable milk饮用奶
    • enough milk足够的奶
    • fresh milk鲜牛奶
    • low-fat milk低脂牛奶
    • non-fat milk去脂牛奶
    • pure milk纯净的奶
    • skimmed milk脱脂乳
    • sour milk酸奶
    • spilt milk洒了的牛奶
    • sweet milk甜奶,加过糖的奶
    • warm milk温奶
    • breast milk人乳
    • chocolate milk巧克力
    • cow's milk牛奶
    • goat's milk羊奶
    • ice milk冰奶
    • mother's milk母乳
    • milk board牛奶管理部
    • milk resources奶资源
    • a basin of milk一盆奶
    • a bottle of milk一瓶奶
    • a bowl of milk一碗奶
    • a glass of milk一杯奶
    • feed on milk用乳汁喂养
    用作动词 (v.)
    • milk a cow挤牛奶
    • milk a piece of news套出一条新闻
    • milk little bugs挤小虫子的液汁
    • milk the people榨取人民的血汗
    • milk bitterly充满仇恨地勒索
    • milk briskly轻松地榨取
    • milk consequently不断地榨取
    • milk furiously愤怒地榨取
    • milk incessantly不断地榨取
    • milk savagely蛮横地榨取
    • milk shamelessly无耻地榨取
    • milk spectacularly特殊地勒索
    • milk tactfully巧妙地榨取
    • milk villainously罪恶地勒索
    • milk from从…榨取,从…取得
    • milk information from从…处取得信息
    • milk out of从…榨取,从…取得


    milk powder n. 奶粉

    in milk在出奶时期的;在授乳期中的

    fresh milk鲜牛奶

    powdered milk n. 奶粉

    breast milk母乳;母奶

    raw milk原料乳;生牛奶;未消毒牛奶

    soybean milk豆浆

    milk protein牛奶蛋白;牛乳蛋白质

    drink milk喝牛奶

    milk tea奶茶

    milk cow奶牛;乳牛

    milk and honey多种多样的享受;富饶

    in the milk(谷粒等快成熟时)正在灌浆,呈浆液状

    soy milk n. 豆奶;豆浆

    coconut milk椰奶;椰子汁

    milk product乳制品

    whole milk n. 全脂奶,全脂牛奶

    skimmed milk脱脂奶(等于skinmilk);脱脂乳

    milk can牛奶罐

    bean milk豆奶;豆浆



    1. A baby vomits milk from repletion.
    2. She dribbled some milk onto the cereal.
    3. The cat lapped up the milk.
    4. I am boiling the milk.
    5. Now the cubs are growing fat on mom's milk.
    1. The farmer whistled as he milked.
    2. John has to milk the cow early in the morning.
    3. They try to milk information from the factory.


    Endocrine responses in cows milked by hand and machine
    Milk yield and mammary function in dairy cows milked four times daily
    Relative motivations of dairy cows to be milked or fed in a Y-maze and an automatic milking system
    Feeding behavior, milking behavior, and milk yields of cows milked in a parlor versus an automatic milking system.
    Apparatus and method for controlling feed received by animals while being automatically milked
    The use of milk progesterone profiles to characterise components of subfertility in milked dairy cows.
    Changes in cisternal udder compartment induced by milking interval in dairy goats milked once or twice daily.
    Mammary transfer of hormones and constituents into secretions when cows were milked or secretions were samples prepartum.
    Associations between lameness and production, feeding and milking attendance of Holstein cows milked with an automatic milking system
    Restlessness behaviour, heart rate and heart-rate variability of dairy cows milked in two types of automatic milking systems and aut...